Sweetie's Gift Card (CDN)
For SDS information, please email us at sales@sweetienailsupply.com
Redeeming gift cards
If your local currency is different from our store's default currency (CDN), then a currency conversion takes place when the gift card is redeemed at checkout. This conversion uses the exchange rate at the time that the gift card is redeemed, and not the exchange rate that was in place when the gift card was purchased.
Gift card balances
Balances on your gift cards are always in the currency of our store (CDN).
For example, our store currency is Canadian dollars (CDN) and we sell $100 gift cards. A European customer, whose local currency is Euros, buys a gift card and pays for it in Euros. Later the same customer creates an order and pays for it using the gift card. At the checkout, the balance on the gift card is converted to Euros and this amount is used to pay for the order. The money that remains on the gift card after paying for the order is converted back to CDN dollars. It is recommended to checkout in CDN currency to reduce conversion fees.